Newsletter Links Page
This page contains links to all McKee Family Matters Newsletters from their beginning. If you have a desire to spend some time looking over some of the surname history, go through each one that interests you. If you are interested in particular people or places try searching the newsletters from my homepage at I will from time to time- as I learn or am provided information from these families, or others- update existing newsletters and add new ones.
This one helps to explain the true meaning of armoral crests and provides suggestions on further research. Also, the family of John Armstrong McKee of PA (Family from David and Jane McKee) as provided by Delber McKee.
John Armstrong McKee
This one provided by fellow researcher Tom Strong on the McKeesport McKees (I have heard it said that some 60 percent of McKees can claim their decendacy from one of the original brothers). This one I will add more to, as there is a good deal of history to this bunch.
Exerpts -David McKee and Descendants (Book of McKee) The Boyne Brothers-the stated start of most all McKee lines in summarization and a note to ponder from UK McKee
Boyne/David McKee
William McKee and Elizabeth Hammond Perth, Ontario Canada and some McKee tidbits and notes worth seeing. This page includes some research from Tom Hammond for my line of Donegal Elliotts and McKees.
William McKee-Perth,Ontario
All McKees in Indiana in 1820/1830. A Boyne review- Alexander McKee and Hugh McKee. Valuable McKee notes in general from Book of McKee.
McKee in Indiana 1820/30
McKee of England letter (Bruce Robinson). David McKee of Anahilt- excerpts from book (general information) on McKees of early day Ireland. How to order your own copy.
David McKee Anahilt
Exerpts provided by Mark McKee with thanks to Debbie Johns on Martin Capel McKee Family dates 1809-1960. Some general McKee information on Lancaster PA McKees and Rockbridge, Virginia McKees.
Martin Capel McKee
A history of Joseph McKee of McKees Half Falls from Pioneers of Bluestem Prarie (Kansas)Joseph McKee-Half Falls
John McKee the Weaver of County Down, Ireland. Also some E Mails to ponder.
John McKee-Weaver
Here is some family trees forwarded to me to share. James McKee Westmoreland County, Pa and David Charles McKee.
James McKee/David Charles McKee (2 different trees)
This is a story of James McKee of Kentucky related by Mary B McKee Gifford (from Book of McKee). A correction of Book of McKee from Beth on MacKays of Scotland pg 233 (Dr Blacks book on Surnames of Scotland Origins)
James McKee of Kentucky
A Letter written in the Early 1900s from Ireland cousins to McKee family in Missouri. Contains McKee information and history from Lisbane, County Down
McKees of the Strait-County Down
Here are two histories of McKee beginnings to ponder
A True History of The Clan McKee (Mackay)by Dr. Gary Mckay
A History of Clan McKee (MacKay)
McKee Origin Discussion includes Beginnings of McKees of Rushville, Illinois
Origin Discussion and McKees Rushville,Illinois
Alexander McKee/Thomas McKee of Donegal, Lancaster County Pennsylvania
Alexander McKee-Thomas McKee and Families
The Family "Kee" and its relationship to McKee
The Family Kee Discussion
Little Lake and Lakefield McKee Burials
McKee Burials (Peterborough Ontario)
David McKee of Anahilt from Prof James Y McKee book. Includes names listing of relatives
David McKee of Anahilt
John McKee of County Monaghan- McKees of Bourbon County and Harrison Counties Kentucky
Bourbon and Harrison Counties Kentucky McKees
Origin Discussion-some McKees Templepatrick
McKees in Ireland
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