McKee Family Matters #10
JUNE 2000 #10

This page is dedicated to the McKee name and all those who are interested in news on our heritage, backgrounds, family stories, letters, and anything that might be sent this way to share with other McKees from around the world. I have been asked to do something like this, and time permitting, and with interest and input, I will endeavor to diseminate information that I and others run across that would be interested in sharing.

Exerpts from the book "The Family of Martin Capel McKee, family dates 1809-1960", Compiled by Alva R. McKee and Printed in the United States by The Lettercraft Shop, East Point, Georgia September 1960

This information was sent to me by Mark McKee who wrote: "I have recently obtained a copy of this book with the help of Debbie Johns, a descendant of Martin Capel McKee, who lives in Covington, Georgia. Without her help, and the help of all of us who have interest in genealogy and building our family trees, it would be impossible to find valuable information such as this. I hope you all enjoy this material as I have." Mark McKee.

Much credit for this record is due to a memoir written by Zachary Taylor McKee and to each family represented. Had it not been for the fine cooperative spirit of each family it would have been impossible to have compiled this data and would have taken years to have collected it through channels.

The record is complete with the exception of a few dates. The descendants are scattered from Georgia to South America. On account of expense, it has been necessary to omit much of interest. There were ten children of Martin Capel McKee. Martin Capel McKee had 641 direct descendants of which 542 are living and 255 indirect descendants with 220 living. Thirteen of his grandchildren are still living.

You will find that many of the descendants are living in the Atlanta area. Contact them and get better acquainted. The writer would appreciate hearing from any of the relatives

Dated August 13, 1960

Mrs Alva Ruth (McKee) McKee

3028 Sylvain Road, Hopesville, Georgia

Record of the Family of Martin Capel McKee

The father of Martin Capel McKee was Samuel McKee. He was born August 31, 1777 and married Elizabeth Waters who was born March 6, 1779. Comprehensive research has been made to establish his identity to the many Samuel McKees mentioned throughout the records from Ireland to Georgia, but none of the birthdates compares with our Samuel McKee, born on this date. It is believed that he came to the state of Georgia possibly in the early 1820s and died soon afterwards. Material found in ("The Mackey's (various spellings) and allied families" Beatrice Mackey Doughty, Decatur 1957) has been accumulated over a period of thirty years. The children of Samuel and Elizabeth McKee were:1. Ada McKee b 6-26-1797- d. young 2. Rebekah McKee, 12-6-1802. She married a Mr Galliher and raised a large family in Madison County Georgia. It is possible she still has descendants living there. Research has been made but there are no records to prove it. 3. John A McKee, born Dec 30, 1804 and died young. 4. Rachel McKee, born Jan 5, 1807. She married Frank Chander. They had no children. They owned a small farm in Jackson County Georgia and both are buried at the farm. Frank died in 1897 (auth Information given by a niece of Frank Chandler still living in the country) 5. Martin Capel McKee, born Jan 5, 1809, died Jan 3, 1882. He was quite a small boy when his father died. He lived with his widowed mother and sisters in Madison County Georgia until a young man. He came and lived with an Uncle Jacob. (It has been established that Jacob was the son of John McKee) His estate was administered 21 Feb 1828 by Jacob. The orphans of John McKee drew land in Henry County Georgia in 1832. Reveiving shares of the estate were Jacob McKee, Philip Watkins for his wife (no name). William McKee Mary Ann (Polly) Wilson, daughter of William WIlson, after mothers death came and lived in the home of Jacob McKee. There she met Martin Capel McKee. They were married July 2, 1835. They settled in DeKalb County Georgia and raised 10 children. Martin was a farmer as well as a scholar. He taught school for several years. He was very conservative in his views-always open to convictions but not easily influenced. He was much interested in politics and was bitterly opposed to secession, believing it is better to contend for States Rights in the union. He owned several plots of land but was never a slave holder. He was a methodist and brought up his children in the fear of the----? He is buried at Masters Cemetary, DeKalb COuty GA. Among his descendants you will find several preachers, teachers and doctors


About 1738, ten or eleven brothers by the name of McKee came over to America and first settled in Lancaster Co, PA. Some writers say from five to ten or eleven sons of a McKee who had borne a part in the defense of Derry came with the Scotch Presbyterians. Two of these, John and Robert left Lancaster Co and went to Kerr Creek in what is now Rockbridge County, Va., settling on part of Bordens grant. Some of the brothers settled near Wheeling West Virginia, and Pittsburgh Pa, while others remained in Lancaster County Pa (Geo Wilson McKee: "McKees of Va. and Ky.", 1890)

James McKee, Rockbridge Co, Va. Will signed 26 April 1778 and probated 4 Aug 1778 naming wife Lydia and children William, Samuel, Robert, John, Alice, Martha, and Mary McKee (Clemens-Va. Wills)

John McKee, 9 Nov 1797, married Jenny Berry, Fred Co, Va. No direct listing on the others

Samuel McKee, Indian War 1792-1794. Enlisted 19 May 1792 for three years State of Va. Capt Thos Lewis Co. U.S. Rifleman. Injured 30 June 1794 at a place called Recovery State of Ohio (then Northwest Territory) File Old War Inv Nat Archives NB. After the war removed to Mich Terr

John (Orphs) No. 109, Dist 26, Sec 3 Henry Co (Georgia State Achives)

ACherokee Land Lottery (1832) for Georgia, M'Kee

Elizabeth widow No 32. Disct 13 Sect 4 Madison County

Children of Martin Capel McKee

Elizabeth Tabbitha McKee, July 23 1836-Jan 20, 1918. Married Joseph Jackson Bishop-Jan 1 1866-Aug 9 1903 six children

SSamuel Paine McKee, May 30, 1838-July 2, 1862. Samuel Paine McKee was never married. In 1861 he enlisted in the Co K Capt Joe Albert 22nd Ga Regiment. He became ill and died in Richmond, Va in Chimboraze Hospital. He had contracted Typhoid fever in Camp in the Chickahomony Swamp. I am assuming he is buried there.

William Martin McKee, Aug 8 1840-May 9, 1917. Married Elizabeth Jane Brown, Oct 10, 1868-June 9, 1907. He enlisted in the Confederate Army at Conyers GFa, Stewarts Company 18th GA Volunteers in May 1861. He was wounded and left the battlefields and was made prisoner. Rather that go to a Northern Prison he took a parole and went to Indiana and work as a farm hand. He cam hom in August 1865. He is buried at Sylvester Baptist Church Yard, DeKalb County. Five children.

Madison Church McKee, Aug 1, 1842 May 13, 1899. Married Emma Morris Nov 2, 1866-June 14, 1902. Madison Church McKee married Emman Morris daughter of George Washington Morris, a Protestant Preacher who live at Conley Ga. Madison Church enlisted in the Army in 1862 Co K, Captain Joe Albert 22nd Regiment Ga and served until 1865. He fought in Va and in the Battle of Gettysburgh. He is buried at Masters Cemetary DeKalb County. Over four children. Unable to read my copy of the book on this section.

Mary Rachel McKee Oct 22, 1844- D 1907. Married Elijah Watts-D in 1910. Mary Rachel McKee married Elijah Watts and lived in DeKalb county until her Death in 1907. She is buried with her husband in the Wesley Chapel Cemetary. They had one son, Edward Watts. He married Clara Payton. Edward died in 1923 and is buried at Wesly Chapel.

I cannot verify to the information contained in this book is accurate, it is only provided as a resource. I have noticed several items which conflict with information I have obtained. First, I have a marriage record of Samuel McKee to Elizabeth Manship in Oglethorpe County Georgia in 1802. This is also where Jacob McKee and several other McKees were married. I know Jacob McKee was born in 1781 in South Carolina from census and family bible. It is also believed that Samuel McKee died abt 1808 in Clarke COunty GA or a surrounding area. I believe that the John McKee who died in Henry County Ga in 1818 is a brother of Jacob and Samuel McKee not their father, however, this has not been documented. Jacobs immediate family migrated into Alabama by the 1850s and lived in and around Randolph County.

I will attempt at a later date to provide additional information contained in this book.

I am interested in what others have to say and add to this information. Please contact me directly at: Mark McKee, 763 LaGrange Ave., Newbury Park, VA 91320. E Mail or Feb 20, 2000.

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