Mystery Reviews:
Robert Greer's
THE DEVIL'S RED NICKEL sleuth@midtown.net
Reviewed by Pat Canterbury Colorado Pathologist,
Robert Greer's second novel, THE DEVIL'S RED NICKEL
brings those of us old enough to remember playing our parents 45 and 78 R & B
records, a vaguely remembered magically time and a sense of history,
misplaced. Greer's protagonist, C. J. Floyd, bail bondsman, is hired by
Clothlide Polk, a beautiful young woman with possibly more to hide than she
is willing to admit, to find out who murdered her father, Daddy Do Wop Polk.
Before too long, the reader finds out that almost everyone who'd met Daddy
Do Wop Polk, in Chicago or Colorado wanted to kill him. He was killed in a
very inventive manner. One that makes you think when you sit in front of the
television set watching commercials which encourage the usage of non
prescription medicine. All of C. J.'s old loves and friends are back more
fully developed, more intriguing, more like people you want to know. Greer
has captured C. J.'s voice and gives a glimpse of Colorado for those of us in
the Far West who have to travel East to find "real" cowboys.
Also for those of us who grew up in the West, Red nickels is not a familiar
term of our youth. The Devil's Red Nickel is a good fast story, with lots of
nostalgia thrown in as good back ground music.
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