ATY Computer
320 10th Street, Suite 130, Oakland CA 94607
Voice & Fax
(510) 836-2309
We are totally committed to the Atari ST, STE, TT, Falcon & Jaguar

Use PC type keyboard on 1040's and Falcon030's with D.E.K.A. 2 ... $89
Run your ST programs on fast PC computers with Gemulator 96 ... $179
Falcon030 modifications: CPU clock signal and audio quality ... Call for details
Build to order Intel Pentium or Cyrix 686 PC system ... Call for details
We do upgrades and repairs to all Atari ST, STE, Mega, TT, and Falcon computers
Our consignment service can help you sell your no longer used but working Atari hardware and software.
Let us build you a super fast PC Multimedia System to run pc software AND Atari programs all in one machine.
Call us or email us for anything you need for your Atari computer
Jaguar game sale
Take 10% off on all Jaguar game cartridges
and CD ROM's.
Store Hours: M-F 10a.m.-7p.m., Sat 12-6p.m.
Authorized |
Dealer and Service Center |
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