Education is widely accepted to be the key to social mobility and the foundation of access to the "American dream". American public education is unique in providing a free, public education to all children in our society. In order to keep up with the needs of a new generation and to prepare them for a future which we cannot fully understand, but we know will continue to change at an increasing rate, the education system must increase its own capacity for and commitment to change and improvement. A primary goal must be to make the connections between education and other children's services real and institutionalized. The results that we must demand are that the very concept of "school" continues to be constantly re-defined to reflect our growing understanding of the implications of serving the "same client" inside and outside of the school and all social institutions. This commitment to collaboration and partnerships as a common way of operating must include parents. The following goals should define our policy making.

E 1. Access for all children under five years of age to quality child care and education services.

  1. Linkage of pre-school and school-age child care programs with health and support services for child care providers and the families they serve.
  2. Developmentally appropriate child development programs for all children, including those with special needs.
  3. Establish a process of training and information for early educators to reflect new research on brain development and indicators of quality child care.
  4. Provide parent education, support and access to quality program so that all children enter kindergarten ready to learn
  5. Training and preparation for child development professionals.
E 2. Linkages and articulation of educational and social services throughout the educational continuum, both between educational institutions and with other agencies.

  1. Information sharing and cooperative program development between schools and child care services.
  2. Provision of school and child care linked community and health services.
  3. Articulation of the curriculum from Pre-K through post-secondary education.
  4. Align teacher preparation with schools and school districts. Teacher preparation programs should also include more comprehensive understanding of social development needs of students and social service programs.
  5. Parenting education provided for all students.
E 3. Access to quality education for all children.

  1. Establishment of adequate funding levels to provide quality education for all children.
  2. Maintain low class sizes and appropriately trained teachers, specialists and classroom aides.
  3. Provide culturally appropriate educational opportunities for teachers and students.
  4. Assure access to comprehensive curriculum, including the arts and athletics for all children.
  5. Assure safe, violence free schools and child care programs.
  6. Reduce achievement gaps related to ethnicity and economic classes.
  7. Provide access to technology for all educational institutions.
  8. Develop and implement parent involvement programs.
E 4. Increase rates of high school graduation and employment for all students.

  1. The state average should be to attain at least the national average on national assessments as they are developed.
  2. Increase student achievement for all ethnic and language groups on existing assessments (CTBS, SAT, ACT, NAEP). Close the gaps between ethnic and language groups.
  3. Increase integration of school-to-work opportunities into all education programs.
  4. Students are prepared for higher education through mastery of basic skills as well as complex problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  5. Access to post-secondary education for all students by providing adequate resources for institutions of higher learning. (Full implementation of the principles of the Master Plan for Higher Education, including full articulation among UC, CSU and community colleges.)
  6. Availability of alternatives to standard academic focus that leads to productive employment opportunities.
  7. Sufficient unbiased and culturally appropriate support and counseling services for all students.
  8. Maintain and enhance linguistic diversity among students.
  9. Provide educational and career opportunities for students with special needs.
  10. High quality teacher preparation and professional development programs.


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